For Heart Crown I called upon the Knight, the King and the Queen. I traveled to wild landscapes and also collaborated with nature, which often speaks to us in mythic language. Once the scene is set, my process is to experience the voice and visions of the spontaneous in each improvisation before the camera.

Calling a knight with chilled breath's direction

Upon a quest for truth too quickly run through

A reliance on dreams to untangle projection

of that which is buried is often you.

No changing who is rescued could alter fate

of a love song delivered to the wrong messenger's hands sure;

its return would only ignite her hate

and take a queen's role to conjure a kingly cure.

The trial was enticing and proof of true love's existence the order,

But magic bore her unexpected curse

From a King defiant of the spell’s sacred border

And chose blindness to her birth.

The struggle ensued with self once again

At the place where the tide turns and one alone transcends.
Jenn Reidel is a conceptual artist whose narrative work combines her favorite mediums of photography, writing, and performance. Since 1997 she has acted out stories before her camera. Much of her artistic career has been spent in black and white darkrooms, and she has experimented with many alternative processes, such as cyanotypes, Polaroid transfers, photo-etchings, and encaustic transfers. For many years her photo series were exhibited by Gallery 070, including “In Her Dreams,” “Ghosts in Love,” “A Fury Tale,” and “The Desk.” She is inspired by dreams, Pre-Raphaelitism, and 19th century allegorical photography.